Piet Heinkade 55 1019 GM Amsterdam +31 20 70 58 100 reception@upofficebuilding.nl

Mindfulness Online Sessions

Join us and learn more about the benefits of mindfulness. Some benefits includes:  

  • Increased concentration and focus;  
  • Reduced stress and greater resilience;  
  • Greater ability to act consciously rather than reacting from habitual patterns;  
  • More compassion, acceptance, and patience, for yourself and others. 


Mindfulness for stress reduction by psychologist Eva Rüger 

Tuesday September 24th 8:30 – 8:55  AM Book here


Mindfulness for relaxation to help you relax and unwind by Kim Schütler

Wednesday September 25th 5.00-5.25 PM Book here


Both sessions are given in English.

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